Saturday, January 5, 2008

How To Look Good Naked

Carson Kressley is my new best friend. After watching the premiere on Lifetime of How To Look Good Naked, it’s my new favorite show.

Carson, formerly of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy fame, is the host of this new show on Lifetime, which takes women with body image problems and teaches them how to see themselves as beautiful.

There should be plenty of material for future episodes because I don’t know a single woman on the planet who is satisfied with her body.

The premier episode featured a lovely, plus-sized woman, but since women of all sizes have body issues it should be interesting to see if the focus remains on plus-sized.

There is the obligatory makeover stuff we know from other transformation shows; hair, make-up, new clothes, go a long way towards making the curvaceous Layla feel beautiful.

When Layla points out that her moving triceps make her self conscious, Carson counters with “most people don’t walk around like this” and extends her arms out like a plane; that’s one of those little gems you can whisper like a mantra the next time you’re daunted by sleeveless shirt.

Unlike watching the snarky Stacy London of What Not To Wear, Carson spreads his message with kindness. In fact, I’ll venture to say it’s Carson who makes the show because it’s not just anyone who can make a woman who hates her arms and thighs pose for pictures naked, which is what happens at the conclusion of the episode, and you know what? She does look good.


Anonymous said...

This show is hilarious! I must say though, those girls really do feel good about themselves so its a + for them.

fmtv2 said...

Hi Trench,

Welcome! It's hard to say bad things about a show that helps women feel better about their bodies.