Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hannah Montana Scandal: Ooooohhh I shudder

Is she pregnant? NO. Did she lip sink? NOPE. Is she really 24? HECK NO.

It appears during the really expensive concert all those fans paid for they saw a body double. That’s what OK Magazine reported. Yes, Miley Cyrus used a body double during her concert.

Now the scoop is Miley put a body double on stage so she could do a costume change. I wonder how long that double was actually on stage. If it was 15 minutes or less is that really such a big deal.

After all, folks we are not talking Milli Vanilli here; just a young girl who puts on her pants like all other kids one leg at a time. Give her a break. Let her change clothes without actually breaking the leg. Instead of leaving the stage empty she put a double on big deal.

Ok sure, maybe, she should have just left the dancers on without her. She’s young. She’ll learn. It’s not the end of the world. No one was ripped off.

The only crime is that the parents had to actually sit through the concert for their kids. Now they just have buyers remorse and want their money back!