Friday, January 18, 2008

The Directors Are Striking?

Who knew? I didn't. In an update on the news about the strikes we hear an update that says the directors have reached a tentative agreement. The directors, unlike the writers, put A LOT OF DOLLARS into research that aided with a quick resolution. A small increase was worked out and all is well.

WRITERS what's up? Do you really want all of your contracts to simply be cancelled? I did hear some rumblings on cancelling those contracts (don't quote me, not sure where those rumblings came from). If you don't figure out how to get what you want, or settle for something else, you might be looking at OUT OF WORK WRITERS. Do you know what that means? It means the show goes on, but without you.

Some income -vs- No income

I'm available to write! If anyone cares.... Just thought I'd throw that out there.