Monday, January 14, 2008

American Idol Is Back!

I watched the first two complete seasons. The third season I watched on and off. By the forth season, I just wanted to watch the early audition segments.

Whether you like American Idol or not, whether you watch American Idol or not, I think each of us has to watch the wreck that Idol calls Auditions! Who doesn’t love totally annihilating with insults, from the comfort of your couch those poor young performers who simply have no tone, no rhythm, no beat and let’s face it no vocal talent at all? Well our household does.

If you can truly say that you don’t. I want to hear from you. If you have never watched the auditions, you have to watch them at least once before you can truly admit you wouldn’t watch again! Therefore, those of you who have never watched (ever) I challenge you to watch just once, the early recruiting audition portion of the show where everybody and their brother shows up to sing! You’ll quickly learn it’s a must watch.

Everybody can watch for the first time, or seventh time this week when the Two Night Season Premiere Tue & Wed 8/7c airs.