Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Baxters from Raven to Corey

I admit it! Yes, I watch the Disney Channel. Worse I actually enjoy the non animated TV Shows. Having said this you must understand that I don't frequently watch this channel. However, when I'm bored and channel surfing I may fall and rest on that channel.

"That's So Raven," I enjoyed, because I love the fact that little Olivia from "The Cosby Show," is all grown up. She's quite the talented young lady. While I don't get the need for seeing the visions, I do think it's good clean family values comedy.

It's my understanding that Raven went off the air. I know this because I have watched the spin off, "Corey in the House." By the way, this is the first spin off for Disney. I watched a couple episodes and it's cute. I wouldn't be an inclined to watch it again. However, for it's target audience (probably 4 to 12) it's the perfect show.

For those of us not in the target range we are probably wondering WTF? How did the men in the Baxter family end up in the White House and the women folk just disappeared. Well at least that's what I wondered.

I actually had to check this out today to settle my curiosity. It turns out that Raven has gone off to college and Mom is attending law school. Now either Mom has travelled elsewhere to attend, or she is one grumpy person that no one wants to live with, because Corey has decided to move with his Dad. Dad is now cooking for the President. Well that's the story they spun, and I'm sticking to it! Why not, nothing else would make more sense. Unless Mom died. I guess that wouldn't make for good Disney viewing.

I've settled my curiosity. Did I yours? Or are you just simply bored?

1 Comment:

Jeremy Jacobs said...
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