Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Whats Up TNT?

I'm not going to vent about how television viewing has changed drastically over the last twenty years. But just when I get used to having shows in the Summer, Fall and Winter/ Spring, TNT brings back the summer shows for Christmas. At least I thought The Closer and Saving Grace were summer shows. Maybe I'm wrong!

Both The Closer and Saving Grace will be coming back for the holiday! I love those shows. You know I'll watch, but I'm confused. Are they summer shows? Are they fall shows? Are they holiday shows? It looks like they are going to be running December episodes. My schedule is up in the air again! OY.

Please bring back the writers and put those in charge of scheduling (the show boards) on strike! Ok so I'll vent a little. Bring back the old schedule when shows start in the fall and end in the Spring. Summertime is for re-runs. Enough said.

If you like The Closer and Saving Grace tune back in this December for all new episodes.
