Monday, April 7, 2008

Who is that Britney Rip Off?

Move Over American
Media Inc
(AMI)a new TRASH publisher is in town. Season two of Dirt is coming near to its conclusion. We met new characters, we healed old characters, we saw dirt fly and be flung and watched mega dollars change hands.

We have been following one particular story this season a young singer Sharlee Cates whose husband cheated on her with his ex wife, they have two children, and in one episode she cut off all her hair. Sound like anyone you know?

From the first time I saw the actress playing Sharlee Cates, I knew I knew her. Who was this baby faced sweet voice. It drove me crazy. I finally researched it to discover she is Ashley Johnson, you might remember her as young Chrissy Seaver from Growing Pains.

Sharlee Cates is pulling on our heart strings as a victim in all that we are watching. Her character young and naive falls for one my favorite Dirt characters Don Konkey. While not a match by any means the storyline pulls at your heart, at least until Lucy rips it out. If you’re a fan you understand. If not you got to watch. This fast paced entertaining, sexy, smutty, slimy show DIRT is all the rage!


Anonymous said...

OMG -- I never realized that before! And you are sooo right.

fmtv1 said...

Hi Lisa. Thanks. It's crazy when we find child stars from yesteryear all grown up on a show we watch now. I love uncovering these. It always blows me away.