Sunday, December 2, 2007

John & Kate Plus 8

You have to admire parents who have twin 6 year old and sextuplet 2 year olds.

John and Kate are lucky to have family near by, friends who really pitch in, and a community who pulls together for them. John works all day as an IT professional. Kate quit her job as a nurse to be all full time mom. I guess you have to be a full time mom when you have 8 kids.

This reality show follows the life of John, Kate and their children. We see their ordinary days of chaos to the days of fun and excitement. No one holds back the truth. The parents bicker as any regular couple would do. The kids are all over the place, each with their own personality. The cameras never waiver, they catch the good, the bad and the whiney.

These parents need to win awards. I'm glad that TLC provided them their own show. Parents like these, not only deserve the recognition, but all financial rewards possible.

If you haven't tuned in, give it a chance. A definite Reality TV show YES!